Friday, November 25, 2011

Cottage cheese and flax oil

Several days ago I received and e-mail from an old friend of mine from Boulder Colorado, where I grew up.  He attached to the e-mail a 41 page special report titled "How to cure almost any cancer at home for $5.15 a day" by Bill Henderson.  I started reading it and couldn't put it down until I had read the whole thing.  One of the most important bits of life saving information I got was to eat Cottage cheese and flax oil everyday.  Let me quote him,"The mixture of cottage cheese and flax oil travels right to the cell membrane and repairs it. It gives the cell exactly what it needs in terms of essential fatty acids. Dr. Budwig found that cottage cheese is the ideal and most efficient carrier for flax oil. When you mix the two together, they combine into a new molecule that’s uniquely capable of reforming the permeability of the cell membrane. This kills cancer cells.  
 One of my dearest friends here in Mallorca has beat cancer now for 2 years and is doing great.  She was giving 6 months to live.  She eats cottage cheese and flax oil everyday and just last week gave us a bottle of flax oil.  So this is my recipe.

One cup cottage cheese and 2 tbsp flax oil

Enjoy it and live long and prosper.

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