I mostly just focus on the bad doings of the powerful lobbyists in the United States but this article just has me flabbergasted. The rein of the Pharmaceutical lobbyists has stretched far and wide. For doctors in Australia if you don't do as they say the police are just a phone call away. It's not that bad in the states yet but it sure is a scary thought though. The problem with the judicial system is that if a law gets past that says you must obey your doctors orders then you the patient, the love one or the parents must fight the system through the proper channels which most likely will involve a lawyer and mucho dinero.
Hopefully that day will never come. But then again I hoped the day would never come that GM foods would hit the market shelves. Well they have hit the shelves and these foods are not marked.
Have you ever eaten a tomato that tastes a little fishy? Do you know why? It's because that tomato has been spliced with a fish cell for god knows why. The FDA has approved these GMOs with no scientific studies on human consumption of GM foods. Only time will tell. Until then do your best to avoid eating GM foods.
I also hope the day will never come that every 1 in 2 persons will get cancer but we are not that far off. Right now it is every 1 in 3. If you ask anyone if they know someone with cancer they will at least have one or 2 personal stories about cancer affecting someone in there lives. Off the top of my head I can think of 5. So much for "The War on Cancer".
You must have your own war on cancer. And the best way to wadge war on cancer is to not let the war get started or to not let the cancer get started. And the best way to do that is to eat a mostly plant based diet. And eat only food that you can identify. For example, don't eat cheese puffs, what are they? Or twinkies or pop tarts or captain crunch or skittles or, or, or. You get the picture.
Now what about meat. You can identify a chicken leg, pork rib, steak but do you know what kind of life that animal lived and do you know what antibiotics or hormones it has been fed to make it stay alive in horrid circumstances. Unfortunately, we believe mostly what we read. Milk, it does a body good. Bullshit. If it did a body good then why does the milk association (lobbyists) have a $128 million a year budget. And why can't they put this information on the milk cartons? Because the FDA won't allow them because it has to be backed up by facts and they can not do it.
The list goes on and on with lobbyist over here saying this is good for you. And they get some smart scientist who will back it up and well if he says it it must be true. And again bullshit. But we are naive because if it is said by him then it must be true. He wouldn't say that because he is getting payed huge sums of money to endorse these products would he? Hell yeah he is.
And that is how the system works and the sooner you realize that and snap out of this desensitized monetarily controlled media manipulated world in which we live and just realize that eating right can save your life, now!
Can I tell you a great way to get started today? Well that would be to make this beautiful autumn soup. Easy, healthy and al natural.
fall vegetables |
chopped and ready |
sweating |
almost there |
herbs, spices and liquids added |
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last minute prep |
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hot german friend |
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final touches added |
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