Why does the medical industry not yet except a plant based diet as means to prevent degenerative diseases? Drs. William Castlelli, Dean Ornish, Caldwell Esselstyn and T. Colin Campbell all have shown through human studies that diet can dramatically reduce the risk of cancer, diabetes, heart disease and other mean diseases. But The System is The System and it's hard beat. But I also think a lot of people won't believe, that by eating a plant based diet you can live healthier and longer. Even though numerous studies have been done with humans showing just that. My neighbor just find out that he has stomach cancer and his wife wanted me to go speak to him. So I went over and told him to stop sugar and animal proteins and couple of other things. He told me his doctor told him to eat a lot of red meat and don't change anything else in his diet. I am not a doctor, or a nutritionist or a dietician but I have read numerous books, reports, articles on diet and cancer and or degenerative diseases and they all say No meat, No sugar, No processed food, No white flours. In one of the books I read they spoke about a women who had stage 4 liver cancer and they were feeding her white wonder bread and jello. Say what? How about the shit they serve in the hospital cafeterias? It is almost as though they want to make you sick. Why are there not huge, gigantic marketing campaigns to promote this plant based diet if it can save 100's of thousand lives? Why? Because they don't give a damn. Because the Pharmaceutical industry wants you to be sick and take their pills. They want you to spend your money. And a healthy diet won't make them dinero. It is like the dentist who put Mercury in your mouth. Say what? One of the most poisonous metals we know and its put into our mouths. Who thought of this? And why is it allowed. Once you start to investigate the reasons why we get so sick, you really will get sick to your stomach and be flabbergasted at the abuse of power over the masses. But I think as a society we do not want to acknowledge this, because we will feel let down by the ones we have entrusted to be our leaders. The individuals of great wealth and power who we have respected. The laws that have been made in our capitalistic democratic society should protect us and to provide for life, liberty and the persuit of happiness but the sad truth is that many of these laws are for the large corporations and their CEOs to achieve their personal satisfaction so that they may do exactly as they want at any expense. To fight the huge corporations with there wise lobbyist is just about impossible unless you are a billionaire but what you can do is eat right. Spend some time and read up on the plant based diet and why it is so healthy for you. Take that right into your own hands and treat your body as a temple. And one way of doing that is to try out this insanely delicious fresh and healthy Moroccan Quinoa Salad.
Mo Fresh Mo Betta |
Chip Chop |
Clean and Lean |
This salad will make you shine!
by Jeff Harter Prep Time: 1/2 hour Cook Time: 1/2 hour Keywords: raw salad appetizer low-carb low-sodium nut-free soy-free sugar-free vegan vegetarian quinoa Mediterranean
Spain is close to Morocco so we like to travel there. And we always bring back some wonderful spices. The moors occupied Spain for 700 years and a lot of there influences can be found in the Spanish cuisine. Quinoa- 1 cup quinoa
- 1 quart water
- 1 bay leaf
- 1 cinnamon stick
- 1 lemon peel
- 4 cloves
- 1 tbsp salt
Salad- 1/4 red cabbage finely sliced
- 1/2 red onion finely chopped then rinsed under cold water
- 2 carrots peel then grate
- 1 tomato finely chopped
- 1/2 cup finely chopped parsley
- 1/4 cup grated ginger
- 1/2 cup raisins
Dressing- Juice of 1 lemon
- Zest of 1 orange
- 1 tbsp turmeric
- 1 tsp mild curry
- 1 tsp cumin
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- 1 tbsp raw honey
- 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
- salt and freshly ground black pepper
Quinoa- Wash the quinoa under cold running water in a fine mesh strainer.
- Place all ingredients in large pot and bring to a simmer over medium heat and cook for 10-15 minutes.
- Then strain in the fine mesh strainer again and pick out the lemon, cinnamon, bay and cloves.
- Then let cool.
- Do not rinse.
Salad- In a large bowl add all the salad mixings and toss gently.
Dressing- Add all the ingredients in a large jar with a tight fitting lid and shake vigorously for at least one minute.
- Then add this dressing to the vegetables and toss gently until well distributed.
- Next add the quinoa and gently toss one more time.
- Serve on a bed of arugula.
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